Welcome to Coventry

The city of peace and reconciliation.
We welcome you to the city, whether born and raised in Coventry
or like the thousands who have made Coventry their home.



Want a place where you can grow in your Christian faith ? Or start a new relationship with Jesus Christ ?
We invite you to start with us.



Let's create community.

Become and Belong - Wait for a free coffee/tea after service and connect with people.


A little about who we are and what we seek to achieve


We come from many places and have different backgrounds and are of different ages. What unites us is the love for Jesus Christ and where we live, Coventry. We are a growing non-denominational vibrant church with a vision to reach people of different cultures and backgrounds with the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the city; Coventry.

We worship God through Jesus Christ by serving people, expressing our love for God and to each other. Whether you identify as Asian, White, Carribean, African or mixed raced and are a student, professional, single, married, divorced, parent, etc. you are welcome here.
Mission & Vision

Mission & Vision

Our vision and mission is to reach people of different cultures and backgrounds with the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout Coventry and beyond; committing them to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.

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Our History

Our History

Our root is from the Victory Family Centre (VFC) in Singapore, spearheaded by Rev Rick Seward.  The VFC gave birth to London Family Centre (LFC) and United Life Coventry was formed as a missionary seed from LFC.

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Our cornerstones

Our cornerstones

A heaven on earth church, an awesome worship church, a word driven church, a prayer intercession church, a spirit directed church, a stone and pillar church, A giving church,  A family blessing and family building church,

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Do you have a relationship with Jesus Christ ? Here are a few pointers to start you off

Who is Jesus

Jesus Christ is both fully God and fully man and the only One who can mend the broken relationship between humanity and God. After living a perfect life, He died on a cross in our place and rose again victoriously to give us life. The bible details His story.

What's the Gospel

The Gospel is the good news that God is restoring our broken lives through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Whether you are looking for a new church home, or are in a time of personal crisis, we hope we can support you.

What is The Bible

Everything that Christians believe and do is shaped by the Bible written 3000 years ago.  The Bible tells the story of the life of Jesus and his first followers.  It also recounts the history of the Jewish people in the centuries before Jesus.

What the Bible says

The word of God is living and active.  Sharper than any double edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12.


Summary of some of our core services which hinges on reaching people, loving people and equipping people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.

God's Word

We preach the Word of God
and lead people to God
through His son Jesus Christ. 

Discipleship & Mentoring

We support christians on their
 journey of growth and provide 
a platform for them to serve

Free Community
initiatives & more

We provide charitable services
to our community which
includes free music lessons

Life and Career
counselling & coaching

We provide counselling
on variouse life issues in
accordance with Biblical principles

Christian leadership

We provide a medium to train
and equip christian leaders through
seminars and workshops

Prayer and

We support people's needs 
through prayer and intercession
based on the teachings of the Bible

Christian Youth

We provide a place for 
youth to connect, network
and support each other

network and teaching

We support you in getting
your child to take thier 
first steps in Christianity

Rev Kwaku Frimpong

Senior Pastor

Kwaku received Jesus Christ as his Lord at a young age of  about 15 years old. And right from this age he started his Christian leadership journey by becoming leader of his Scripture Union club at an age of 17 years. He has continued this race and served in the Baptist Church and also at Elim Christian Church in London. Kwaku joined the LFC (a church plant of VFC Singapore) under the leadership of Gospel Odame-Kentoe and progressed from there to head ULC from 2013.

Kwaku holds both degree and post graduate qualification in Divinity and Christian Leadership. He's married to Ivy and has 2 wonderful girls. Kwaku is an avid fan of Manchester United and loves reading books.

Kwaku's message: "I welcome people from different cultures to United Life Chapel. The English, Asians, Carribeans and Africans to join us to send a message of hope and love to our city. God has a purpose for you and with Him nothing is impossible".

Our Team


Here is something to get you started

We warmly invite you to join us for any of our services or activities, held throughout the week and on weekends. However, we recommend that your first visit be to our Sunday Family Service, which takes place from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. On occasions when we have special events, the service may be extended by up to 30 minutes. Should this happen, we will inform you in advance during the service.

Each of our services is unique in structure, resources, and attendance, yet they all share the same core message and spirit of unity. Sunday services are typically well attended, and our friendly team of ushers will be at the front door to warmly welcome you. They will guide you to a comfortable seat and are readily available to answer any questions you may have.

We look forward to welcoming you and ensuring your experience with us is both meaningful and enjoyable.


Our mission

Know more on us

A little bit more about us and what we do. LIW, VIP, Membership and more.
Our mission

Volunteer to Serve

Volunteering is a your chance to engage with church and grow.
Our mission

Give Online

Give to support operations and specific projects to our community.
Our mission

Get connected

Ways to connect in church to people in your locality and demographic.
Our mission


List of our events through the year and what's on next.
Our mission

Christian Questions

A few pointers to questions on your faith and everyday issues